Monday, May 26, 2014

To My Dearest First Born On Your Fifth Birthday

As the years too quickly pass, I am forced at times to push the pause button on the memories we make each day; mentally willing time to slow just so I can watch your doe eyes soaking in the world around you. The way you see the world is so unique and beautiful. Your first word was ‘wow,’ and you continue to be amazed just as I am amazed at you. Dear Logan, I see the struggles you face every day. You want so much to answer my questions, or ask your own, and I see the frustration and even fear in your eyes when the words just won’t come. I want you to know that even without words, I understand you. I understand that, like me, you are introspective; yet like your dad, you are loud and funny. I understand that you are passionate about numbers and counting. You love order. I understand that you are empathetic, expressing sadness when others are sad. I understand that you are creative, wanting no more than to play the part of a superhero. You love that Spiderman can fight the “big big big lizard” and always win. I want you to know that there will be many big big big lizards you will face in life, but just like any superhero, you have such grit that I know you can face them all with a sense of determination and stubbornness that any superhero would love to have. This past year I have watched you become a brother. You are a natural protector. I know Abby already annoys you because she wants your toys, but every morning when you come in to give her a kiss, she lights up and smiles bigger than she ever smiles around your dad or me. I am so grateful that you have a kind soul. Above all else, I want you to always remember that being kind is of utmost importance. On your fifth birthday, I want you to know that you are loved fiercely, you are held tightly, and you are cherished mightily. I want you to know that you have seen and explored more in your five years than many have in their lifetimes. Your dad and I value the fact that there is a big world out there, and we never want you to live in a bubble. We want you to be curious and to never take something at face value. We want to give you the gift of an open mind. I also want to show you the gift of faith. I hope that I can be a model for you of how my faith in God has made me a better person, and has led me through those times where I, too, had to fight those giant lizards. I thank God every day for you, and I never take a single laugh of yours for granted. Thank you for being the precious little boy I always dreamed of having. I’m so proud you are my son. Happy Birthday!H