Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Strange Bedfellows

My office desk was replaced with a 10x10 room with a view (of my parent’s back yard), my business casual attire has been replaced with the one pair of PJ’s I own (and I’m lucky if I get that washed every few days), my previously extremely quiet co-workers have been replaced by two cantankerous souls, and my paycheck has been replaced by deposits in the love bank. My cup runneth-over. But man, this whole two kids thing while being a temporary single mom is HARD. Calming a gassy baby and a preschooler with a predisposition for OCD (mom, mom, mom, but mom, mom, mom, mom, mom, mom I need a napkin! I need a napkin! Napkin, mom! – yeah, he got messy and needed a napkin) is just too much at times. Thankfully, I have had family to help. 
But here’s the best part of my new job: my bosses love me, and I love them, unconditionally. Unconditionally, even when the little one decides in the middle of a traffic jam to cry so hard that she starts choking on her tears and I have to find somewhere to pull over and nurse. Even when the bigger one tries wiping himself, only to forget the toilet paper. Even when I end up as the middle of a baby-mom-baby sandwich every night because the little one cries when I put her anywhere away from me, and the big one has a nightmare and jumps into my bed. Because then, the little one gives me a smile that is identical to my husband’s smile, and I start to cry. Because the big one has the best sense of humor, and makes me laugh at least fifty times a day. I sure do laugh a lot more now. Career women and mom-as-a-career women sometimes make strange bedfellows, but there is no need for that. Each adventure we take in life is personal. We all don't get to choose the cards that are dealt. And for that I am grateful. I am grateful that this adventure has been given to me. That I have been blessed to care for these two angels, and that I have been given this chance to stay at home with them for a year. This is a beautiful adventure, and it’s only just begun.

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